More Than a Deal: Building Lifelong Partnerships

Livacres Clients

When we started Liv Acres, our main goal was to create a specialized way of working that focuses on specific types of clients. Our services were based only on qualified introductions from trusted sources. We did not want to just chase after affluent individuals but we wanted to connect with clients who were genuinely dedicated and share our values.

Now, the high-quality families we serve at Liv Acres are proof that our focused efforts have paid off. Our approach has helped us build a client list that could make any private financial entities jealous.

We willingly give up the chance to share our listings for monetary benefits because we believe in safeguarding our clients’ privacy over any potential gains. It’s all about building trust and making sure that our clients feel secure as we handle their real estate concerns and deal with the utmost confidentiality and respect!

Client Profiling

We take immense pride and satisfaction in presenting a comprehensive overview of our esteemed client profile. It demonstrates Livacres’ professional engagements across various client segments. Our clientele comprises affluent individuals along with industry leaders and pioneers in their respective fields. Through detailed discussions, we try to understand their mindset and aspirations regarding their vision and lifestyle . Considering their valued inputs, we create a list of properties that ushers them into a world of luxury and refined living.

Investible Wealth

Client Segments